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Welcome to FoodMood blog space. Reflections on my travels, musings, favorite recipes, and the  Bunny Chronicles. Storytelling with joy, sass, self-reflection, and hope.

4th of July, Liberation for all

Updated: Jul 18, 2020

Lake of Lugano from Monte Lema, where Bunny & I celebrated 4th of July 2020.

4th of July, likeThanksgiving, is one of the American holidays that does not travel well. Equally it is one of the holidays that is not about presents, it too is all about food and friends. For the 4th, as it is called, we add fireworks - their own unique celebrations of freedom. Also like Thanksgiving, I take matters into my own hands to celebrate this holiday of liberation.

Retreats seem to be my own brand of celebrating 4th of July, my personal form of interdependence one step at a time.

In July 2019 we went to Turkey for a unique form of retreat including Begum Bunny. In my meditative mood there, Turkish Delights the next book in the Bunny Chronicles series, due to publish in January 2021, was written.

July 2020 has me at a one-week retreat in the Swiss mountains. New realities, new opportunities. Sheva center posted this retreat, titled The name, a doorway to the soul, on its site in May. When I asked Bartolomeo, “Who is this course for?” Without hesitation he responded, “For people who want to get higher.”

I signed up that day, frankly not sure how I would manage it. Two days later, a contract that cover all the costs of this retreat landed at my feet. This being in part the ‘getting higher’ Bartolomeo was referring to.

Trusting the messages of my heart, at one with myself. Free of calculations or conditions. Making choices based on internal unity vs waiting for external conditions to be aligned or calculating the endless possibilities. Getting and being ‘higher’ in this sense, is living in the flow of life as consistently as possible. Being higher is the courage to live in constant connection with my own internal compass, true to my heart self.

Wishing everyone fun, food, and the fireworks of internal liberations! Living higher.

Bunny & I 1,600 meters up at the top of Monte Lema, living higher literally!

Bunny & our 4th of July lunch, local specialty of polenta and pork shank.

Happy 4th! Wishing liberation for all.

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