A collage of photos roasting Keith for 2019, year of the pig; top left Keith and I having a party; next Keith and Claudio meet over the Cubans Claudio has thoughtfully brought him as a meeting present (guaranteed friends for life); next them smoking said cigars for the new year of 2008; lower left corner Keith at our wedding practicing lips with Di and I; next Keith as best man at our wedding awaits me with Claudio while my dad walks me down the hall; Keith looks on my giant, loveable big brother as Claudio and I say our vows; last right the entire Levine family wishes us well at our nuptials.
In December 2018 I dedicated my Irish coffee post to Diana Levine. The poem which inspired this post was sent to me by her husband, my dear soul friend, Keith Levine.
In 1996, two years after I met Di and Keith, I was faced with a life changing choice. Feeling undecided I sought advice from Keith, a man I respect and trust. Should I embark on this journey into the unknown which would take me to the other end of the globe; to a country, a language, and a culture I believe myself to be totally ignorant of? Or should I stay and continue what I knew?
I was living in Shreveport, Louisiana at the time, the Red River runs through this city, and Keith and I drove to a spot overlooking the river on a low cliff. It may be important to note at this moment that Keith was, and to some degree still is, a seriously adventurous sky diver. Jumping out of planes was something he did for fun. “What should I do?”, I asked him, "Stay or jump?"